Saturday, April 6, 2013

Closing one chapter and opening a new chapter in our lives. What a perfect time to start the blog again. We ended our time in Virginia at a great hotel attached to Tyson's Corner. This gave us access to all the American food we could dream of, I wanted to fill all of my cravings and the cravings I might have when I get to Israel, I especially enjoyed cheesecake from none other than The Cheesecake Factory! I have to say I wasn't a huge fan of cheesecake but now I am, darn it, I started a love that I didn't need. So the fixing of cravings really just created more cravings. All I have been dreaming about is cheesecake! We started the first leg of our flight from DC to New Jersey and made it on the plane, the captain announced "we are preparing for take off" and then I thought to myself- this is going great, we are taking off- delays and those kinds of things just don't happen to me! Then a minute later they announce there is a dog on board that is unauthorized to fly on this plane, we are taking him off and will be on the next flight. Pretty soon, our entire family is getting off the plane back in the airport for another 2 hours until there was a plane that was big enough for Charlie! We made it to Newark and then waited 6 hours until we could get another flight to Israel. As we boarded the flight to Israel, we had to go through another security check before being allowed to board. I heard the Israeli's were rude and pushy but was keeping an open mind so I could see for myself but because of missing our flights all day we were on a plane with no one sitting together. Of course, who wants to sit by a 2 year old on an international flight for 10 hours, well you would think no one, but the stewardess asked people to switch seats so we could be together and no one would move. I was in tears, I couldn't believe no one had a heart to switch. Finally, an some American tourists switch 2 seats so I was with Hannah and Haydin and holding Brooklyn for the entire 10 hour flight, CJ had a seat away from the rest of us. We did make it but it was one rough flight! First impressions: -I feel like we live in Southern CA, I am so happy to be in a dry climate like Utah. I love that is cools down at night. -The people all speak English, if they want too! -Everyone has been much nicer and more helpful than I expected. -I feel completely safe here. I walk to the grocery store at night without hesitation. -Everyone has there dogs on leashes but let them relief themselves anywhere and they don't clean it up. I walk with my head down. -Shabbot is the Jews holy day (Saturday) and is taken very seriously, from sundown on Friday to sundown on Saturday. All of the store are closed, no one drives,It feels like a ghost town for a day. -The city is more modern than I expected except for the old city, of course! -The fresh fruit and vegetables are delicious and in season! -Security check when you go into the mall to shop -Everything is soooo expensive here, how can people afford to live here! The first week: We were terribly home sick for everyone and everything, we just wanted our old life back. We were jet-lagged and the girls woke up every morning at 2:30am for a week. CJ had to go to work the next day after arriving in Jerusalem in the evening. When you arrive you live out of your suitcases until your other things arrive (about 6 weeks). You are given a sponsor family that helps you get acclimated, who have been great. I have had wonderful people take me shopping and help me get around. It took about 2 weeks to get over jet lag. Other things from the first week. Charlie had to be potty trained again literally started from scratch and got fleas! Great news the vet makes house calls! Hannah started school and loves that she gets to have swimming class during school, have a snack time outside on the lawn and eat lunch in her classroom. There are 14 kids in the first grade, she likes it but misses Josie, her best friend from VA. She is working really hard, as they are one year ahead of 1st grade, one word, INTENSE! Haydin is hanging out with me at home right now and a bit bored and misses her friends especially Vivi and her gymnastics. She wants to sign up for karate after watching a show called "Kickin' it", she walks around karate chopping everything and everyone in her way. She will go to summer camp and start gymnastics again. And there is Brooklyn... She misses her friends terribly, her little friend Rosie, who lived across the street, she asked "mom, where are my friends" so sad. She talks about them daily, how she is going to give them a gift or share her yogurt with them etc. Today in church during one of the sacrament hymns she was singing her own song, which was, Brooklyn and Rosie, Brooklyn and Rosie I miss you, I miss you. She also talks about her friend Connor and Marcia (Connor's mom- and has been pretending she is Marcia and telling me to call her Marcia). The second week: We went to church at the BYU campus which sits atop the Mount of Olives and overlooks the old city. Sacrament is stadium seating with big picture windows that look over the old city. I had no idea it would be such a spectacular view. The building is amazing! We went to the old city briefly and it is a blanket of vendors and shops selling everything and anything you could imagine. Charlie got an infection, the vet comes to the house for that! CJ is working really hard but very busy and getting to experience some amazing things. He has been to Ramallah, Jericho, Bethlehem and Jericho. The third week: We live two streets up from the largest mall in Jerusalem that has a grocery store and the bottom of it. We walk down every other day or so and get a backpack full of food. Our meals have been the most basic survival meals as I am still trying to figure out what to buy and what I can put together to make a complete meal. The fourth week: So every week gets a little better and we are adjusting to our new life and discovering the beauties that are here. It is a place that is so rich in culture and a long history I begin to understand and will probably feel that way when I leave. I know 3 Hebrew words, know how to get to the mall and city center by taxi, my family is getting fed and Hannah is getting to school. Our car arrived and will be ready for driving next week!